Monday, June 1, 2009

Exercise your way to Happiness

That was front page news in the paper this morning. There was a gallop poll conducted and they found that people who exercise 30 minutes a day for just two days a week reported more happiness and less stress in their lives. But only 27% of all Americans get that amount of exercise. So we must have a pretty depressed country. This same article reported that Utah ranked 3rd for least amount of obese people. Which doesn't surprise. I just have to look around at my ward members. The majority of people in my ward are thin. I am the exception.

I just had a thought. If most of the people in my ward are thin does that mean my ward, for the most part, is happy? I assume that the thin people exercise on a daily basis. Or are they thin from genetics and aren't happy because they don't exercise?

I exercise fairly regularly. I can attest that when I do exercise I feel so much better about life, about myself as an individual, mother and wife. So why is it that sometimes I find it hard to make time for exercise rather then other times? It's like sludge. Once you get your foot stuck in the life sucking substance, it's hard to break free. It's hard to get your body moving, but once you do, it's like a stone being thrown down a hill, it gains momentum. And that momentum catapults you into the happiness that comes from exercise.

1/2 cup strawberries
1 cup cottage cheese
1 slice whole wheat bread
1 tsp butter

2oz cheese

lean pizza pocket
10 grapes
crystal light

protein bar

snack 4pm:
90 calorie rice crispy treat
1 slice whole wheat bread with pbj(150)

shredded roast beef
2 cups cabbage soup
1 string of licorice(gosh dang that sweet tooth!!!)

And where is my will power!!!????

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