Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Won a Fight of Mind over Body

This morning I was determined to run longer then 3 miles. I discovered a training program online which helps you to increase your speed for a 5k. One of the first things you do in the first few weeks is to jog farther then you've ever jogged before. By the end of 3 weeks you should be up to 6 miles. Yikes, never jogged that far in my life. Still, I want to be able to really improve over the summer. And the only way that I am going to improve is to challenge my body and mind. I discovered through a conversation with Amy that from her house to down the riverbottoms, down the tree lined street, to the bridge and back is 4 miles. I woke up and told myself that I was going to tackle that distance today. I was a little overwhelmed because there is a good hill going down, which means I needed to run back up it when I am already spent. As I was running back up the tree-lined street I thought about running being a battle between mind and body. I was determined to win this battle. Then another thought popped into my head, how great would it be to be able to blog about such a triumph! I was determined more then ever to win this battle over my body. This body that hurts to jog. I feel it in my butt and my thighs, the pounding of fat resonates in my ears and brain. Despite the hurt, I triumphed!!! I made it all the way to the top of the hill. Grant it, I did have to walk for a short minute just to catch my breath, but I DID IT!!!!! Yay, for me and my jiggly rear-end!!! I finished running to my street and even attempted to sprint. Needless to say, I am very proud of myself. Due to my triumph over my body, I rewarded myself with a HUGE MILKSHAKE!!! Ha, ya right. More like I stuck to my eating well plan like nothing before. Why would I want to ruin a great work out with crap food. So I didn't. In fact, I was so busy afterwards that I struggled to get in my meals. Hence the reason for 2 protien bars.

tortilla scrambler
1 whole wheat tortilla(90)
2 slices of bacon(70)
1 egg(70)
1 egg white(35)
1 tbl salsa(10)
1/2 bell pepper(20)(295)

protien bar(270)

pbj sandwich on whole wheat(300)
slice cantalope(30)

protien bar(270)(1160)

3oz hamberger(250)
sauted bell pepper and onions(35)
1 cup cabbage soup(40)

total calories:1445

exercise: jogging
duration:45 minutes
calories burned: 545

exercise: mowed lawn
duration: 30 min
calories burned: 181

1 comment:

Jessica said...

This post made me so happy until the end. I am so proud of you for running four miles and for owning that hill! But you ARE fun to be around and I wish you had more kids. Whatever made you sad was not worth those kinds of sad thoughts. I love you.