Saturday, June 6, 2009

2 for 5

This morning was my second of five races. My last race was just two small weeks ago. I was a little nervous since I had such a small window for improvement. But really, how hard is it to improve upon 38 minutes? This race was quite a bit larger with over 2000 people running. I went with a few different friends this time, Sabrina and Rebecca. This time I brought along my ipod which I attribute to my increased speed. I was amazed to see the finish line clock read 33:03 when I finally crossed it. I sprinted at the end but abruptly came to a halt. There was a line to tear the tag off our numbers. I had never experienced anything quite like the feeling in my gut. I had so much energy and adrenaline that I just about threw up. I had to start jogging in place to help keep the blood flowing in my body. But how amazing for me, to literally shave 5 minutes from last race time!!! Wow. I feel so great. I wish I could say that my eating followed suit. But it didn't. Along with a goal for improved speed next race, will be to eat healthy for the remainder of the day. I think, once again, that it is a mental thing. I just ran this great race so I rewarded myself with a little freedom. But that is so backwards.

The next race I also hope my family is there to cheer me on. I watched as other racers had their families there gather around them and cheer them on at the end. I need that. So wether Brent likes it or not, he is going to drag all our kids to the next race.

July 4th is my next race. For about 7 years now I've had a desire to run in the Freedom Festival 5k. This is the year for me to accomplish that long time goal. I am thrilled to be running it and look forward to having my family there as well.

I am so glad that I set this lofty goal. Lofty for me. It really is helping me to keep my focus and to make my workouts during the week have a greater purpose. I still struggle with the nutrition, but that is still slowly coming together. Like I've said before, 20 years of bad habits are hard to break. But I'm working on it.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Wow- awesome job Amberlynn! You improved your time over 5 minutes in just 2 weeks. That is great. Congratulations!