Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Last night as I was doing some thinking(which we as women do A LOT), I realized that I no longer eat a ton at night. I eat my dinner and that's pretty much the end of my day. The only exception to this is the weekend when maybe I'll have a small bowl of ice cream with Brent while watching a movie Saturday night, or dessert after dinner on Sundays. Other then that, I have broken one of the worst habits that I have developed over the years. This is big. Taking baby steps and consciously making an effort has turned my bad habit around. It is an incredible feeling when you realize something you've worked so hard for has finally come to fruition.

Yesterday I also kept my body moving. First with my run in the morning, then pulling weeds in the afternoon, going on a hike with the family in the early evening, and a long fast walk in the evening.

I tried to stay as active today as I did yesterday. I worked out with Melissa for an hour. I must have worked hard because once I almost fainted, and towards the end I almost threw up. A sign that you are working hard. I took the kids to the reservoir and instead of just sitting in my chair I got out and waded in the water and sat on the edge. Not a lot of movement but at least I was more involved then a slug on a chair. No offense to those that sit on their chairs. I had every intention to go work out again but my bed was calling my name. So I went to bed instead.

1 comment:

Randi said...

Good job, Amberlyn! I also recently realized that I have broken my addiction to fast food! (and it wasn't even that it was that good, just easier). It's true what they say, after awhile, you don't even crave it anymore. Anyway, thought I'd share. CONGRATS!! It's such a good feeling!!