Saturday, June 27, 2009

Long Run

I was up this morning before the rest of the neighborhood was. I battled the wind and went for a long run. How long it was, I'll have to track it. Maybe 5 miles, we'll see. I had new music uploaded to my ipod and off I went. It felt great. I did the walk/run strategy and I really think that is going to work for me. I think I walked like 4 times for 30 seconds or so and was off again running. I really tried to push myself faster when a new song came on. I have just one week before my next race. I can't believe next week is July. Holy Cow!!

Yesterday was not a good day eating. But I kept it to a minimum. Except while I was waiting to go to my reunion. I found that I ate a cookie and some chocolate. I must have been nervous and anxious about seeing old aquantances from High School. Which is so silly. I got two compliments last night. Both made me feel really good. And I wondered on the way home why I put those dreaded things in my mouth. It was mindless eating. Not so much mindless, but a subconcious effort to calm my fears, which is my biggest bad habit that I am trying to break.

As I continue on this journey I realize that I am becoming more aware of my thoughts and feelings and how they relate to my eating. Sometimes I know that I am upset and should go to the pantry and I still do. Other times, I might not recognize it until after wards or during. But at least I am recognizing it. Now I just have to figure out what I'm going to do in replace of the food. I think I should just remove myself from the house. Take a quick walk around the block, focus myself and jump back in the game. I think I'll try this next time.

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