Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Do as I say, Not as I do

I've been talking and thinking a lot about my children and their nutrition and well being. Yesterday while looking through all the coupons and items that were on sale I came to a cross roads. I could spend my money on frozen pizza which was only going to cost me a buck each, or I could take that dollar and spend it on a pound of broccoli. Then and there I decided that I am going to begin to teach my children and show them by example how to lead a healthy and nutritious life. I am tired of trying to tell them to be healthy when I continually serve them high processed foods that I bought on sale. I am also tired of purchasing high calorie snacks for them that are just too tempting for me to pass up. I went to three stores and purchases pretty much produce. I decided that this journey is not just about me becoming healthy, but it's about my children too. I DO NOT want them to struggle with the same things that I do. I want them to make good decisions naturally and easily. By having only whole foods in the house and no crappy processed stuff, it makes our decision making much easier. What I eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner will be the same for my children. What's good for me, is good for them. This includes snacks as well. Today I made hummus deviled eggs. Hannah gobbled them up. They were made with chickpeas, roasted red pepper, cilantro and fresh garlic. Last night for FHE for our snack, we had fresh raspberries and strawberries, it was amazingling wonderful. I think that I am on to something here. Not only will this help me to lose weight, but hopefully help my children to become naturally healthy as well.

I am feeling much better today. I realize that happiness is something that we choose. I so want to be happy. I will let go of what is bothering me and hold on to those things that bring me true joy and happiness. As I labored over my produce, cleaning, chopping, spinning, bagging, stacking, it felt so good to being making such a great change for my family.

snack before run:
warm piece of home made whole wheat bread, who can resist that?

slice of whole wheat bread
slice of canteloupe

deviled eggs

pbj sandwhich


Kelli said...

"Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."

Hey Amberlyn:

My friend posted this on facebook, and I thought that you might like it. I know, enough with the quotes.

Liz said...

So I think about how fresh produce and lean meats are more pricey than the processed stuff that you can get on sale and with coupons. Have you found a way to get around the price diffferences of the 2 types of food?

Jessica said...

I am so glad you are changing your approach to groceries. Couponing always seemed like a health scam---sure you saved a lot of money but when the food is Hamburger helper or other highly processed and packaged foods, no one is a winner but the food industry. You are inspiring.

Darcy said...

I agree with your decision on the coupons. I have never really gotten into coupons because they aren't really the things that we eat. When I have fruits and veggies in the house my kids love them. They enjoy them better than they enjoy the processed stuff. I do have a love for icecream and have found a great alternative. Its called Dreyers frozen tart mango yogurt. Its delicious and a lot healthier for you.