Monday, June 29, 2009


After such a long week I didn't feel like getting up this morning. My husband's alarm went off too early, Grace started calling for "mom" to early, and 9am came around too early. I almost bagged my run due to the nagging desire to sit around and do nothing at all. But that's not what a 160lb woman would do. And that's not what I did. I know that for me to be successful right not I have to be consistent with my exercise and my eating. There's no if's, and's or big but's about it.

There is a pan of left over brownies sitting on the stove, beckoning me to come and eat them. I did have a small small square after lunch. But the smart thing to do right now would be to throw those suckers away. If I don't need them, then no one needs them. We can curb our sweet tooth with pineapple and cantaloupe.

The other day I went on a walk with my friend Lisa. It was great to exercise again in the evenings. That is just what I need. Lisa wants to go consistently so there is my excuse to get my butt in gear twice a day. I need more cardio and walking will be perfect. Not only that, but extending my support system and talking with other people is so good for my psyche.

This evening I finally, corroborating with Jaren, convinced Brent to take the kids out for a short hike up Diamond Fork Canyon. It was great. It was active and something that I want to continue to do with my kids.

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