Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I feel bad that I haven't blogged for several days. I haven't fallen off the wagon. My PMS has finally passed but life continues to be overwhelming. And such is life. It doesn't stop and never will stop. It will most likely just keep getting faster and busier. It continues to be a fight to be fit. A fight against challenges that arise every single day. I haven't lost any weight since April. Sigh. But my will to change my life hasn't changed. So I keep plugging along.

I am so glad that I was exercising during my horrible PMS. I don't know what I would have done if I wasn't exercising. I am so glad that the rain has finally subsided here for a few days and the sun is showing his warm loving face. Now maybe my garden can begin to grown and flourish.

I have been thinking a lot about the Word of Wisdom and the blessings that come from obeying. Just like all other principles and ordinances of the gospel, if we are obedient we will be greatly blessed for that obedience:

"Walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in the navel and marrow to their bones. And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures. And shall run and not be weary and shall walk and not faint. "
I realized that the Word of Wisdom prevents us from forming addictions to drugs and alcohol. But it is also a guide as to how to appropriately treat our bodies so they can function to their fullest abilities. But I am stuck, stuck on Caffeine. I feel as though I have an addiction to caffeine. The idea of not drinking it makes me anxious and nervous. I really feel that drinking one a day helps me get through my day. And wouldn't it be better for me to drink zero calories rather then eat some insane amount of empty calories? Then I think about the aspertame that sweetness diet coke. There are many studies that show how bad aspertame is for you, and so is the carbonation. There is wisdom behind what the Prophets and apostles counsel us to do. They have counseled us against caffeine, and probably because of it's addictive nature.

Yes, I am trying to talk myself out of drinking diet coke. I've known for a long time that this is something that I should stop. I've stopped for several months but always go back to it. I never lose weight when I stop the diet coke. But there are so many other benefits from not drinking it. And simply being obedient brings blessings, both temporal and spiritual.

1 comment:

Sal-my-gal said...

Caffeine was hard for me. I gave it up years ago at the encouragement of my soon to be husband. I've been "sober" for almost 12 years now. In the beginning I replaced it with another soda. Now days, soda just isn't my thing. Except for A&W rootbeer. Gotta have rootbeer with pizza :)

If it's important to you, you certainly can do it. It was a challenge for me, but it's do-able. After a while you'll get to the point where you don't need it anymore.

Good luck!