Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Getting Somewhere

This is my second week into Body for Life. I feel like things are going well. I am totally making better choices in the eating department. Food is my bane, my crutch, my comfort. By consciencely making good choices, I am feeling empowered. I still have a hard road in front of me. These feelings of empowerment are propelling me forward with a greater desire to continue making great choices.
Melissa's words still ring through my head every day. " You have the power to change. " I find myself repeating these words in my head when I come to a hard decision. I have the power to over come. I have the power to choose good. I have the power to change. It's inside me. Waiting for me to grab hold, and run. No more excuses. No more whining. No more complaining.

1 comment:

Amy said...

You are doing great! I am proud of you for not beating yourself up.

I know everyone has their own experiences with weight and self image so not much that I will say here will help- you'll have to find your own way. But I do know this: When I started allowing myself to take care of me (instead of hiding behind my kids, husband, job, etc.) and make sure my own needs were met- I started to change my habits. It's like I was finally saying to myself- "Hey, come out from behind that wall... you don't have to do everything for everybody anymore. You'll wear yourself out and there will be nothing left."

Take time for yourself- become what YOU want to be. I've discovered that when I do this, I'm a much more loving, patient, effective mom, wife, latter-day saint, etc.