Monday, February 2, 2009


Yesterday was my official weigh in. I stepped on the scale and was shocked. I actually stepped on and off three times just to make sure that the scale was registering correctly. To my complete and pleasant surprise I lost 5.5lbs last week. Yes, it's true. I am so thrilled that my hard work, counting calories and not eating after dinner and exercising every morning at 6am finally has begun to pay off. I am thrilled beyond excitement.

The other night I lay awake with the prospect of being healthy and thin. Visions of me in cute shirts that are slightly loose and loose fitting jeans danced around in my head and I couldn't go back to sleep. I am doing it. I really really really really am doing it. I feel amazing. Yes, I still have 20 or more pounds to go. But my first month was such a success. Usually at this point I am ready to give up, throw away the towel, throw my hands up, and pull my hair out. It is such an empowering feeling to really, I mean REALLY want something so badly that you'll do anything to get it. That is where I am. I am willing to do ANYTHING to lose this weight.

I had a conversation with Rachel LeBaron last night and she brought up some wonderful points. Eating bad foods feeds our bad feelings. Our feelings of depression, sadness, failure. The worse we feel the more we want to feed those feelings. But if we truly want to be happy we will treat our bodies with love and respect and good foods. I have felt that change within me this past month. Feeding my starving body good foods has changed my mood. Maybe at first it was hard because I was hungry and my body wasn't use to that. But I know that what I am doing today, right now is the best thing for me and my family. That is a HUGE victory for me. I hope I keep the momentum going and that I continue with my weight loss. Even if I don't have a 5lb weight loss this week, I will be happy with 1lb because I know it's going to work. I KNOW it, I can just feel it.

HURRAY FOR ME AND -5.5LBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Denise said...

oh wow! Congratulations. I am soooo happy for you!!!