Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's all in your head

I have heard over and over that weight loss is more then just a healthy diet and exercise. More then likely there is always an underlying reason for your obesity. Today I think I discovered maybe what mine might be. The reason behind my weight loss failures. I know that I have the will power to stick to this diet, I've done it for 2.5 months. It's my thoughts that are keeping me from being the person that I want to be. Physically, mentally and spiritually. I am so hard on myself and focus on the negative. I use to think that I was a pretty happy person. I guess that's true when it comes to other people. But when it comes to myself, I struggle with accepting my talents or gifts and giving myself credit for all my hard work. I feel as though I am being prideful or full of myself if I concede to all the good things that I do. But that's not what our Heavenly Father wants us to do. I shouldn't be hiding my light under a bushel. I should be letting my light, and sharing myself and talents with those around me. I should accept the fact that I have been working hard at losing weight and I am doing a great job. I am way to hard on myself.

What am I going to do about this mental problem that I have? The first thing that came to mind was to write down every morning, or read what I've written all the good qualities that I posses and include those qualities that I would love to gain to be the person that I want to be.

I know that this might sound like a problem that everyone might struggle with. But for me, I realize that it's keeping me back. Like I said before, my negative self talk is preventing me from being the person that I would love to be.

I need to stop putting myself down. I need to accept compliments. I need to accept the truth. What is the truth? That is something else that I need to search for as well.

The truth. Sometimes it can hurt. And somethimes it can be liberating.

1/2 cup oatmeal
1 tsp butter
2 tsp brown sugar
eggs and bacon

protein bar

pita chips with white bean dip
veggie tray

protein bar

sauted chicken, bell peppers and onions.

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