Friday, March 6, 2009

Twice a days

In an attempt to lose my weight I have started working out twice a day. Once in the morning at 6am doing what ever DVD. And then again at either 9am or after Brent gets home. I go for a walk. But it's not a casual walk, mind you. It's a get your heart pumping walk. This evening I braved the falling snow. I announced that I was going on a walk and Brent thought I was nuts. Well, I might be nuts, but I needed to get out of the house. I was having some huge cravings, which have been happening a lot in the evenings lately. I figured a good walk would squelch that. It did, for a few seconds. I just have to fight it now. Remembering that those pains that I am feeling is my body eating away at the fat. It's a good thing. These feelings of pain are good pains.

I have neglected to weight myself lately due to the bad month of February. I decided to step on the scale this morning after my work out and not eating breakfast. I did get something to eat right after weighing. I was pleasantly surprised when I stepped on the scale. I was down 5lbs since the last time I officially weighed in. I think I even logged my weight here, in the blog for the entire world to read. The scale reinforced that all this hard work is working. And it is HARD work. I know that we've already established that, but it is.

It is still mind boggling to me how easily weight seems to find it's way back to my butt, thighs, hips and gut. In I have to work what seems like a 100 times harder to get the darn stuff off. And where does all that fat go? I think about that often when I watch the Biggest Loser. Really, where does all that extra fat go? Does it dissolve into the Universe waiting for someone else to use? I guess that is something I should research. My Aunt told me once that it exits through your poo and pee. I wonder if that is true.

protein shake made with 1 cup milk (220)

no snack:

half a black bean and corn wrap. DELICIOUS!!!!
1/2 a vegan oatmeal cookie
A few sips of a soymilk smoothie (330) just a guestamet

protein bar(230)

pizza on a carb control whole wheat tortilla.(70,100,80,)
2TBL trail mix(160)

grand total: 1190 give are take some calories.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

That is so funny about wondering where the fat goes. Me and my roommates were just having this discussion. My roommate that studied Health says it turns into energy as we burn it off. I guess that's right, I think she'd know :)