Sunday, March 29, 2009

NO WAY!!!! I am no longer Obese. Just Overweight!!!

I have stuck to my promise of weighing myself on Wednesday and Sunday mornings. I really didn't want to get on the scale. It hasn't been the best of weeks for me. Both eating and exercising. I wasn't out of control with my eating, it just wasn't great. I had such a busy busy week that I didn't get the chance to work out twice a day like I have been. But I knew that I needed to keep myself in check. When I stepped on the scale I was shocked to see that I had lost 2lbs!!!! Wow!!! So then I decided to take it a little further and pulled out the Wii fit board and the Wii Fit game to see what it told me. Even better results. It told me that I had lost 4lbs from the last time I stepped on it and I am no longer Obese. I am now just overweight and below 180!!! Just barely, but I am below it.

What a huge triumph for me!!! With this weigh in today that brings my total weight loss up to 20lbs. How exciting is that!!!??? Yay for me!!! It's working, it really is working!!! The scale loves me, it really does love me. At least for today it does.

I still have some big goals to reach. I still need to lose 19 more lbs. That is to get to my original goal of 160. Maybe once I get to 160 I will make another goal of 150. For right now, I'm shooting for 160. In the past I have set goals that just seemed unreachable for me. 150 is one of those numbers that just seems out of my league. But I might change my mind when I get to 160. We'll see.

I am still constantly changing my strategy what seems like every two weeks. This week I am going to do the fast start strategy from Absolute. This is where you just eat meats and raw veggies for 3 days. At 10am and 2pm you can have a fruit. I couldn't do this method last year due to the fact that I was still nursing. Now that nursing is done with, I am so excited to do this for 3 days. I can do anything for just 3 days. It'll be easy. I'll just make some yummy raw salsas to go ontop of shredded beef and chicken. Yum. And it's just for 3 stinking days. It's going to be GREAT!!!!

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