Monday, March 9, 2009

Just keep walking

I have been doing some reading today which reinforced my love of walking. Yes, I might burn more calories when I run. But walking is just as good for you and less abrasive on the joints. I have been walking outside since the weather has changed and I am so grateful for the change. Nothing beats the feel of fresh air on the face and the feeling of your blood pumping through your whole body. I go walking by myself in the evening when Brent gets home and sometimes I throw Grace in the stroller and Beckham hops on his scooter. It's great. I love it. Just keep walking, walking, walking.

Another reinforcement was the talk of calorie intake. If you decrease your calories by 500-1000 a day you are guaranteed to lose weight. It's a simple mathematical equation. I found this website and it has a ton of great information.

The reason I googled was to find out what happens to the fat when you lose weight. As Brooke mentioned in her comment, fat is burned up as energy. I guess it does just dissolve and disappear. That is still escapes my mind. I'm just happy that the fat somehow escapes my body as well.

1 slice of whole wheat toast (80)
2 slices of bacon(70)
1 egg (35)

almond clusters(160)
1/2 cup grapefruits (80)


horrible asian crap I bought(big mistake, thinking of grace when I did it)(80)
peppermint patty (190)
Protein bar(160)

3oz chicken breast(246)
broccoli salad(100)

grand total:1186 I can't believe that I managed to stay under 1200 calories today.

Exercise: Biggest Loser Sculpting
Duration: 40 minutes
Calories burned:300

Exercise: Walking, briskly
Duration: 35 minutes
Calories burned:195

grand total of calories burned: 495

not a good snacking day. I've been at my parents house helping my Dad out. This is one of those battles that I've lost. And one of those times when I needed to make better choices. I will always be faced with days like this. But I just have to move forward and make better choices for the rest of the day. A lot of those calories I just guessed on too. I hope I guessed high.

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