Thursday, March 5, 2009

What's your problem?

I came across an article today that had to do with the Biggest Loser and some predictions that he made as to who the winner was going to be. He thinks that it's going to be Tara. His reasoning, her spunk for life and how she approaches her workouts. He parallels how we approach our workouts to how we approach life.

This was his BOTTOMLINE: How you approach your workouts can be an indication on how you approach life. Attack your workouts with joy and that zest for life will spill over in everything else you do.

That got me thinking. How do I approach my workouts and consequently my own life? In the beginning I always go full force with determination to keep going till I've reached my goal. But it never ends up that way. I always peter out 1/4 way into my efforts. Now that I am thinking back on all the changes that I've wanted to make in my life, whether it be for my own personal health, or for my family, or for spiritual reasons I ALWAYS peter out. The drive dies down. And I end up being complacent and stuck in my comfort zone. Afraid to move forward because it's too hard. Work outs are HARD, raising 6 children is HARD, obeying the commandments can be HARD. But the results of pushing, stretching, testing, growing are priceless.

So what am I going to do about this petering out problem that I have? At least I recognize it, and that's half the battle right? You can't change something unless you know you have and accept your problem. And this is a problem for me. But that doesn't answer the question. The answer you'd think would be simple, just stick with it, preserver, never gift up and never surrender. But it's so much easier said then done. I think this is something that I have dealt with all my life. It goes back to my Jr. High and High School days. I would always start the year out strong and end weak. I no longer want to start strong and end weak. I want to start STRONG and end STRONG.

It must be linked to attitude and self confidence. My attitude is different this time. Maybe this time will be different. Maybe I will end this weight loss battle strong with resolve to keep going, to keep my mind and body healthy.

After all, it's about a lifestyle change. Not just a quick fix to lose those pesky pregnancy pounds. I want my life to be different forever. I want my life to be filled with a love of veggies and a craving for work outs. I want my life to be balanced between motherhood, wifehood and selfhood. It has been hard for me. But I haven't given up yet. Is my determination as strong as it was in the beginning? Not quite. Can I do something about that? Darn toot'n right I can.

I'm not ready to give up or give in. I want to attack life with joy and happiness. I want to attack my work outs with joy and happiness. After all, I feel so much better and self confident when i do work out. I feel so much better when I read the scriptures and discuss them with my children in the morning. These things make a difference. These things are hard to keep up. They are a must for success.

2 turkey bacon (70)
1 egg (35)
1/4 cup grapefruit (60)

4 TBL trail mix (200)

turkey on whole wheat (300)
1 roasted beet (20)(535left)

almonds and grapfruit

chicken enchiladas

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