Saturday, April 5, 2008

Absolute Nutrition and Weightloss

Well, I had my first meeting with the weight loss clinic. I stood on a scale and saw what my body was made up of, body fat, muscle fat and water weight. Unfortunately, I'm not caring a lot of water. I guess that's good and bad. Good, because I'm not consuming a lot of salt, and the Diet Coke is okay once in a while. Bad, because I was hoping to get rid of the easy stuff first and fast. Nothing's going to be easy about this program. As Leslie, the diet coach, was explaining the whole eating program, my heart sank. The eating program is a cross between the 6 Day Body Makeover (which I absolutely hated and detest) and Body for Life (which I LOVED and have had success with that in the past). Unfortunately it's a little more like the 6 day. I can't have any bread, rice, or white flour. Or any kind of bread for that matter. I told this to my friend Melissa and she asked me for how long. I told her till my weight comes off. There was a pause and this was her response, "Well, good luck with that one." Yes, I know, it's going to be hard. But it must work. Loads of people are losing weight this way. And I, too will lose weight this way as well. All my fears of failure are resurfacing though. I know how hard this is going to be, I'm not going to kid myself. But I want this so badly!!! And along with my other revelations, I feel like it's going to really, truly happen for me.
I was there with my friend Mandy. It's a darn good thing I'm doing it with someone. It's going to make this process a lot easier. Along with my amazing blogging friends. Shout out to my Peeps Denise and Amy.
So this weekend I'm wrapping my brain around what I get to eat(notice to positive approach to that). And almost getting a sick feeling about all the things I'm going to have to give up. All I can say, is that it's a good thing I still get to have fruit. Yeah for the natural sugars.


Denise said...


I am behind you on this one and I will continue to encourage you!

Amberlyn said...

I know, I was talking with my friend Melissa, and I realized again how hard this program is going to be to follow.

Anonymous said...

I'm totally excited Amberlyn!

I'm glad we could do this together-it's been a great way to re-connect.