Sunday, April 13, 2008

Dreaded Weekend!!!

I thought I did really good yesterday for my Anniversary. We went to Chili's for lunch. I am going to do this in checklist form.

All good decisions:
Protein Shake for breakfast
Fajitas at Chili's/ no cheese, and no tortillas!!! (this was awesome!!!)
yogurt for a snack--

Not so good decisions:
Dessert at chili's
Chips and salsa at Chili's
2 cookies at Donna's
2 slices of cold pizza for dinner

So my bad choices really outweigh my good choices for Saturday. Blah!!! But it was my anniversary and I was allowing for some freedom. I really wanted the dessert at Chili's. It was this molten white chocolate cake with rasberry sauce. I had had it a couple weeks before and just couldn't resist. Although, Brent didn't share with me. He got his own dessert and I ate only about half. And as for the pizza, I hadn't eaten since lunch which was 11:30 and we didn't get home until 5:30pm. So I was way too hungry to think rationally. And of course I used the excuse of my anniversary and lunch to justify the pizza. I asked Brent if he would go to the store to get some ice cream. He said, " No, I'm not going to help ruin all your hard work this week." He's right. Why sabotage all my hard work.

Sunday's are really hard for me too. But I started out so great. I had a great breakfast. I even brought my snack to church with me and ate it during sacrament meeting so I could make right choices when church was over. Well, this is why this is being posted right not. I really needed something crunchy. I had eaten all my almonds and there was a Chex turtle mix in the pantry. I grabbed a handful and ate it. Then I went back for a few more caramel covered chex. So to stop , I've removed myself from the kitchen and turned to blogging. This is after happy thoughts in church. I really felt like this was my time to succeed. My time to finally take off this weight and keep it off. My time to be Queen over food, and not let it rule me. My time to finally feel good about me. I am proud of myself for stopping. For removing myself from the temptation and doing something with my hands. I truly do feel like this is going to be it. I knew I was going to make mistakes, but I didn't realize they'd be so often. But I am truly grateful for letting go of cookies and cakes and chips and muffins out of my daily life. I am truly on a path to better eating.
After doing this for about a week, it's not as bad as my first fears were. I'm pretty sure it's all in my attitude. I am thinking more creatively on how to prepare my food so it's still pleasing to my palate. This week I am going to experiment with marinades!!! YUM!!! I'm fairly confident this is the reason the meat in my fajitas was so good. No reason why healthy food has to be BLAH!!

I feel better already. I'm ready to face the kitchen and anything that starts screaming at me.

1 comment:

Denise said...

I think this post and the one on your family blog say a lot about the progess that you are making.

You are on the right path! And Heavenly Father is continuing to hear you and confirm to you that you are doing the right thing.

Keep going!

The more you know Heavenly Father loves you, the more you can love yourself.

And then...there are no limits.