Sunday, April 6, 2008


I am truly second guessing this whole Absolute clinic. But the one thing that is going to keep me going this month, and this is pathetic, is the money. I've already paid 130 bones for this month and the shots. I almost feel obligated to go back. But then I have to tell myself, this is my life. And if I truly feel like this isn't going to work for me, then I should back away. But I'm also worried about what my husband is going to say about the money. I should have researched this clinic a lot more then what I did before I made such a big commitment. And what do I tell Mandy? I want to do this with and for her too!!!
I don't think this program is something that I can live with for the rest of my life. I think your right Denise, I need to find something that will work for me for the REST of my LIFE. Besides, I like the whole spiritual aspect to this whole journey so much more.
I know I need help losing weight. For now, I will go to Absolute for this month and then re-evaluate where I am.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Good for you!

Your husband is going to be okay with it...because he loves you and he wants you to be happy.

And you will chalk the money up to a lesson learned...and in the end it will have been worth it.

Maybe you can get a good start on your weight loss this month and can do ANYTHING for 30 days.

And who knows where you'll be then.

But, if it really isn't working for you, don't be afraid to walk away.

There was a talk about this in the Ensign a couple of months ago...about how we don't stop things, even when we should, because of some perceived investment on our part.

But if stopping will be better for you, the you should do that with faith and courage.

And if it isn't, then you'll deal wiht it then!

BTW, I was listening to the radio the other day and they were talking about worry and how worry was irrevent...because if we turn things over to Heavenly Father, then we can't worry, because it will work out how He wants it to...and worry about it casts doubt on His power.

So, turn it over to Him, and don't worry! It's going to work out!