Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Who am I?

Thanks to Denise, I read the most wonderful article in this Month's Ensign. It is the topic that I have been struggling with the past few days. But didn't realize it. I have been asking myself a series of questions. The most difficult one for me to answer is, Who am I? I don't think I've ever truly known the answer to that question. In this article titled Your Divine Heritage several quotes popped out to me. The first being, " You owe it to yourself to make an extra effort to discover, in every detail possible, who you really are-- to discover your eternal potential in God's plan." Wow, I owe it to myself to find out who I really am. But he goes on and gives us a great promise if we do diligently strive to find ourselves, he says this, " This getting-to-know-yourself process is important because it enables you to do more with our life. It permits you to come closer to realizing your full potential. It lets you build on and use your strengths, your gifts, and your talents to carry out your purpose in God's plan. (this part I love) It helps you overcome your weaknesses and avoid your vulnerabilities." Double WOW!!! But how to even begin to discover who I am? I don't even know where to start. I do know. I've already begun the prayer process. I've re-read my patriarchal blessing.
This all started out as a journey to lose weight. Now it has turned into something bigger. It has turned into a journey of discovery. Discovering who I really am in the eyes of God. Discovering what my talents are. Discovering what my spiritual gifts are. This is not going to be easy for me. But in order for me to be truly happy, this journey needs to take place.


Denise said...

Okay, reading your post gave me the chills!


I wrote down some quotes that I wanted to share with you, but I felt prompted instead to let you read the talk for yourself.

Well, guess what?

The quotes that I wrote down for you are the ones you wrote down for yourself.


This is also the journey that I am on, and while it has not always been easy, some of the break throughs and the changes that I have been able to make have astounded me.

Of course, I fall back into old patterns fairly easily, so it is a constant struggle to keep moving forward, but I am moving forward...and that's what counts!

My patriarchal blessings says that I should become familiar with the words of Russell M I downloaded everything he ever wrote since be became an apostle.

There are almost 200 pages of writing.

I read each and every one (it took some time!), and at the end I really felt like I had a better understanding of who I am and who my Heavenly Father wants me to be.

As I read, I wrote down all the things that struck me and how they made me feel, and why it seemed to matter. I WROTE 300 pages in my journal during the course of reading his talks!

It changed my life.

I'd love to hear what you find that works for you...

I'm so glad you're doing this!

Amy said...

Sorry I've been absent from this blog..... so many blogs so little time! I am so proud of you! You are confronting a lot of feelings and really getting to the bottom of things. I think one of the reasons I haven't tried harder to lose weight is that I'm comfortable.... I still think I'm beautiful. And that is my hope for you - that you know it! That you know your divine nature- it is a very important part of our gospel. If I can help you in anyway- let me know. I'm happy to be your cheerleader- although Denise seems to doing a pretty good job. Isn't she fabulous. I don't mind sharing my friends Amberlyn but don't get too close.... or I may have to cut you off from Neecee. Just kidding..... she has plenty enough love to go around. Keep up the good work!