Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Whoa! Wait for me!

I only have a few minutes but have so much on my mind that I'm going to just do this post in numbered form- sorry no time for eloquence today.

1. I am committing to post once a week. I'm spending so much time focusing on this diet that it's all I have time for. I may be able to do more- but at least I will post once a week.

2. Thanks Denise for your comments! When Amberlyn and I decided to do this, I had no idea about the blog and had no idea she had such a faithful friend. I appreciate your words of encouragement and strength- keep them coming!

3. I feel fabulous- for the first time in my married life I'm feeling good about losing weight.

4. Denise is right- this program may not be right for you Amberlyn- maybe not right now.

5. BUT- you can do this! Quit talking about failing and be positive. Give this your all! If after a month you still feel the same way- then you can re-evaluate. You are a strong woman- a great friend and a wonderful mother. You can find a way to make this work for you.

6. Amberlyn and I are going to have different experiences with this. We need to be a support to each other and not have a competition. My body holds onto weight after I have a baby- heck I swear I gained weight in the past just thinking about getting pregnant. My youngest is almost 2. Your baby is barely 2 months. This is going to work differently for us and it may seem easier for me but I assure you it's dang hard. I'm just not one to express that openly
- believe me- I was crying to my husband yesterday. And I can do the fast start and have the appetite suppressant- which is really helping me. You've got to do it on sole will-power and I know you can!

7. I'm so glad we were able to get back in touch doing this weight loss clinic together. But don't worry about me if you choose it's not your thing. I'm okay with that. But I'm not okay with you feeling like you've failed. So give it all you've got for the next 29 days!

8. My husband has a protein shake every time he has a craving- don't know if this is better or worse than a bite of cookie dough- but just a thought.

I think this is enough for today! I'm looking forward to Friday...our weigh in. And if we've both lost weight, even if it's only 1/2 pound- we're getting our toes done! Have a great day- and believe in yourself.

Call me if you need to!


Amberlyn said...

I am so glad that you are understanding about how I feel about the program right now. I was so worried that you'd think I was being a flake about the whole thing. And I didn't want to dissapoint you.
I'm sure that this program will work differently for us. Our bodies are different.
Thank you so much for all your kind and supportive words!!! I need all the support and love I can get right now.
And I'm here for you as well. Call ME anytime.

Denise said...

My weight watchers meeting leader used to say that a pound a week was the goal, and that in 3 months you would have lost a dress size.

Some weeks you lose more, some weeks less...but just think, if you lose (even just the smallest amount) each time, you are going to BE thinner, and over time that translate to smaller dress sizes and feeling better!

Also, she said to look for things to validate your weight loss other than the scale.

For example, my rings are now loose.

My shoes fit better.

People notice that I am losing weight.

I feel better.

Don't just let the scale be your judge, especially as you exercise and gain muscle, the muscle weighs more and that won't be reflected on the scale.

You guys are doing great!

Amberlyn said...

Once again Denise, you have said just what I needed to hear.

Our Diet coach suggested that we have a pair of pants that are too small, and every friday that we go in to get weighed, put those pants on. She also tried to encourage us not to judge our success by the scale. But sometimes that is so hard not too.

I know it's only been the second day, but I already feel better. All those sugars were making me feel sluggish. I wanted to add coke back into my diet since I've taken away everything else. The better decision would be to just a little at lunch. Since this is when I crave it the most. Much better decision.

Amberlyn said...

I can't wait to have my rings fit me. I haven't been able to wear my wedding since since I got pregnant with Beckham.
Getting my wedding ring to fit would be a good gage of weight loss.

Amy said...

I have nothing to add to these guys' comments- they are like weight/life therapists. Just keep up the good work and keep pressing along..... slow and steady wins the race!