Thursday, January 8, 2009

4th day, and going strong, sort of

Wow, I've made it a full 4 days. Whimpy, I know. But what a success for me to not be struggling. Usely the first week is a killer. I am so looking forward to my free-day on Sunday. I'm not going to talk about the food, because then I will be tempting myself to cheat. But I do have a few things in mind to eat.

The only thing that is discouraging to me is the addition of exercise. Without fail, the weight loss is always slower when I add exercise. In the recent past, I lose weight dramatically when I just cut back on my eating, and no exercise. But I know how important exercise is to my health and keeping weight off permanantly. So I will continue to trudge along. Besides, it's not just about the weight loss, it's about feeling good about myself. When I don't exercise, I don't feel good about myself.

At about 2:30 a huge craving hit me. What to do. Sit down and write. Why am I craving? Not sure. I always need something right about now. But it's too early to eat anything. Am I just thirsty? I'm not bored, I have plenty to do. Maybe it's my body eating away at my fat stores. Hey, let's go with that.

I wish I could say that I stayed strong and didn't snack on the kids snacks. But unfortunately, I did. I had maybe an 1/8 of a cup of that stupid mix.

2 bites of a blueberry muffin. Shoot.

Protein shake, frozen strawberries, 10 almonds
I was starving after my work out.

Salad with 1oz ham (trying to get in more protein to build muscle)
My very last lean pocket
1/2 inch square of dark chocolate

Protein Bar, 1/4 apple

Salad with roasted garbanzo beans
Chili with 1oz cheese
1/2 square of chocolate
1/4 of a protein bar

I need to change something. I don't feel like this is working for me at all. I have done great not eating cookies, ice cream, muffins, chocolate, or candy, pasta, white bread and rice. That is a success and I wish I could focus on that. But I'm finding it hard to do so. Seriously, what you see typed is all that I've eaten. That is the HONEST truth. I guess I need to re-evaluate what I'm eating and incorporate more veggies. I have a hard time coming up with things on my own. I guess my next strategy is to follow a program like Body for Life.


Jessica said...

Make your snacks fruit and veggies. You don't really need a protein bar--perhaps if you had just gone on a hike or something! Veggies ideas: roasted veggies--eat with quinoa, as a salad, or make egg white omelets or fritatas. Black bean, corn, green chile salad over greens with cheese and lime juice. Steamed broccoli with brown rice or quinoa seasoned with soy sauce and ginger. Eat more cabbage. Have tostadas on corn tortillas that are baked.

Amberlyn said...

My only concern is the carb intake. I'm pretty sure carbs are the cause of my ginormous gut. It's discouraging. That is why I am trying to encorporate more protien.

I will for sure do my snacks veggies with some type of protien.

Protien bars aren't the best choice. I will keep those for when I'm on the go.

Amy said...

I am so proud of you! You are doing great! And like we talked about this morning... a few more weeks of this and you've lost 10 pounds already.

I heard somewhere that it takes 14 of doing something every day to make it a habit. So you just have ten more to go. Nine really, because this was your post from yesterday.

Keep up the good work! I think you're making excellent food choices!