Friday, January 23, 2009

Such a tease

I have a love/hate relationship with the scale. It teases me constantly and several times a day. Yes, I know I'm not suppose to weigh myself everyday, let alone several times. I love it when I get on and the number has gone down, but hate it when I step on an hour or two later in the morning and the number has gone up. I need to resist the temptation to weigh everyday. But sometimes I think it helps me. Whether the number is up or down. When it goes down, I think yes, I'm making progress. At the same time, if the number is up or not where I want it to be I tell myself that I need to try harder. Let's be honest though, I guess the reality is that it is more discouraging to me then anything.

I don't want to set this goal, but I know it will help me. I will, starting next week, just step on the scale once a day, at the exact same time. I know I should only weigh in on Sunday mornings, but that would be to torturous for me.

Last night at book club Amy was kind enough to cater to my weaknesses that I was experiencing yesterday and ordered Smokehouse. It was divine!!! She warmed up some bread for the others but I didn't even give that loaf of steamy, buttery, soft goodness a second glance. I took seconds of the salad and a little more of the meat. For dessert, which I was planning on passing up too, Amy made this Swedish cream. But she tweaked the recipe and it only had like 2.5 carbs in it so I indulged. She topped it off with some fresh raspberries and blueberries. I piled more blueberries on top of mine. It was a very worthy low-fat, low-carb dessert. Kudos to Amy for that success. And she says she can't cook. Bologna.

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