Monday, January 26, 2009

Putting it Away

My official weigh-in is.... I'm down .5 lbs. It was a turbulent week. I've decided to put away the scale and bring it out only on Sunday mornings. I can't allow myself to have so many ups and downs, ups and downs. It is so hard emotionally for me. I know it's will be a challenge, but I hope I find it more rewarding and thus finding that I have more success.

My goals for this week are to cut out so much cheese (gosh, that's embarrassing to realize that I was eating too much of that dairy product), eat more veggies, eat a salad before lunch and dinner, get over my fear of eating too many veggies. I was going to cut out diet coke as well. But I need to take baby steps. I hope by making these changes that I will see a difference on the scale.

I wish that the numbers didn't mean so much to me. But it does. 5.5 lbs really isn't that much weight. No one can tell that I've lost anything, and my clothes are barely, barely, barely feeling any loser. But it's a start. And you have to start somewhere.

And my gosh, I'm going into my 4th week. My determination hasn't changed. My desire to change hasn't weakened. This is a huge victory for me.

I think it helped that I was able to drown my sorrow in my free day yesterday. I ate so much junk that I was sick, again. But it's what I needed. I needed that reminder of how I use to feel on a daily basis. Eating the right foods really does make a difference. I do feel better about myself, both physically and emotionally. It's worth the hard work, the effort, and the time to prepare.

3 slices turkey bacon (110)
1 egg, 1 egg white (100)
1/2 bell pepper, 1/2 onion sauteed (20) 230

1/2 cup cottage cheese (90)
1/4 cup fresh blackberries(15)
4almonds (24) 129

1 cup lettuce (4)
1/4 apple (16)
1 TBL light ranch dressing(30)
1/2 red bell pepper sauteed (9)
1/4 onion sauteed(23)
1/2 cup left over roast (108)190

wow, looking at how many calories is in 1 cup of lettuce makes it sooooo much easier to indulge in a salad before lunch and dinner. 4 freaking calories in 1 cup? Hello, what in the world was I thinking?!!!!

soy puffs (120)
1/4 cup mandarin oranges(40)160

1/2bell pepper(9)
1/2 cup cottage cheese(90)
3TBL cup motz cheese(70)
1cup salad(4)
1cup grilled broccoli and cauliflower(13)
1 TBL light ranch dressing (40)226

grand total of calories : 935 give or take

If I don't lose weight by counting these stinking calories and eliminating some of my mistakes from last week... I guess I'll just have to try something different. But seriously, how can you not lose weight by eating less, a lot less, and moving more? I hope I am pleasantly surprised.

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