Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stronger then you think

Last night on the biggest loser the 400lb 19 year old was voted to go home. My heart just ached for him. He needed to be there, for support and to save his life. I was angry at his friend for betraying him by telling everyone there that it's possible to do at home. Although that is true, he needed to be around people who could help him. Jillian made him see that he was stronger then he imagined himself to be. She got him to run on the treadmill 7.5 for something like 5 minutes. I remind you, he is over 400lbs. That was a wake up call to me. I am stronger then I imagine myself to be. I have the power to overcome my addiction to food. I have the power to stay the course and lose the weight. I have the power to not let myself get in the way of my success.

Thank heaven's that this 19 year had lost more weight when he got home. He lost a total of 100lbs. He looked great, but still has a lot to lose. He must have had a lot of bad habit to break himself of. But he used the knowledge that he gained from the Ranch and applied it to daily life.

Through out my several, unsuccessful, journey's of weight loss, I learned many things along the way. Which have lead up to this point in my life. I am grateful for those lessons and the knowledge that I now have.

protien shake with fresh blackberries (300) whoo, that's a lot

none today

Salad with ham, turkey, red onion, blue cheese and a little bacon (300) whoo, that's a lot too

1 cheese stick (80)
delit turkey (120)
1/4 cup mandarine oranges (35)

salad with dressing (80)
lasagna stuffed bell pepper(150)
itty bitty slice of homemade bread with a tsp of chuncky peanut butter and jelly(50). I know, this is a slip. Once again, the homemade bread called to me.

a few almonds after lunch and with the afternoon snack(50)

grand total of calories: 1160 give or take

Today probably wasn't the best of days. It's hard to count calories and do a high protien/low-carb diet. Most protiens are high in calories. Still, keeping track of the calories is helping me to keep myself in check. This week I have done much better with the cheese and the nuts. Yes, I have indulged in the bread. I feel this is a much better choice then chocolate chips. And when I'm finished being really strict with myself, home made whole wheat bread will be something that I will add back into my daily life. If I want too.

On a more spiritual note:
I really want to start reading the scriptures more. I've been studying the Ensign a lot more due to my new calling. But I know that if I were to add the scriptures into my daily life I would have that added help. Not only in the weight loss, but as a wife and mother. It's been said many times before, that if we put the Lord first, all other things will fall into place.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I agree with the spiritual part. I know that being close to my Heavenly Father helps me in so many ways- one of which is to help me make my diet and exercise one of my priorities.