Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Well, I am sure you thought I might never post here again...and I have to admit...a few months ago I don't think I saw myself needing to.

But, all that has changed for me.

I started Weight Watchers again today.

It's a big step for me. I lost 25 pounds last year...but I have only been able to keep 15 off.

It wasn't the worst thing that ever happened to me. I am not the heaviest I have ever been. But I am not happy with my body either.

So, I need to do something different, and I think I am ready to make it last.

Mostly, Amberlyn, I wanted you to know that you are not alone in your journey, and I think that for the first time in my life, I am ready to make that journey with you.

You have been so honest, and it has been such an inspiration for me.

So, here's a little honesty of my own.

I was 135 pounds in high school and I thought I was a got so bad that I developed an eating disorder that I struggled with well until college.

Once I got the eating disorder under control I started to put on weight.

When I got married I weighed 165 pounds.

Today I weight 180 pounds.

Like I said, it isn't the heaviest I ever weighed, but I hate my body right now.

And, unfortunately, there is no magic pill for me ... there never will be.

I don't eat because I am hungry. I don't eat to be healthy.

I eat because it makes me feel better and I eat because when I feel out of control, it helps me feel a little more in control.

And it's this lack of control that has been holding me back.

I had a tense conversation with someone at Joe's school today. All I could think about after the conversation was how much I wanted something to eat.

I don't recognize when my body is hungry. I don't know if I have even felt hungry for a really long time.

I don't recognize when my body is thirsty.

I have lost all those important signals, because I have been eating to satisfy needs that have nothing to do with food.

But...I have had a breakthrough.

A whole bunch of things happened at the same time, and I gave up caffeine about a month ago. I have tried before, but failed, and didn't think I could it. I didn't think I was strong enough.

But, the way everything worked out...let me make a decision that I didn't need it anymore. And I quit. And I haven't looked back.

I haven't had any cravings. I haven't had any withdrawl. I haven't felt any need at all to start again.

And honestly, the success has been really powerful.

So, I am ready to take control of my health.

I have a lot to live for, and I am ready to live the life I was meant to lead.

Thanks for letting me share. I will try and keep you posted on my journey.


Amberlyn said...

Thank you so much for sharing your honesty. I think to truly begin to change we have to be honest with ourselves. And sometimes that's REALLY hard.

Congratulations on no more diet coke!!! That is HUGE for you. Way to go.

I had a similar experience this past summer. I wish I could say that I didn't look back. But I slipped and started again. I totally agree with you, it was empowering to not crave the stuff.

I'm so excited that you are going to join me on this journey.

The more, the merrier!!!

I got your back girl!!!!

Denise said...

I knew you would!

Can you add my e-mail to the list of people who can get comments from this blog?


Amberlyn said...

I would be happy too.

As soon as I figure out how to.