Saturday, January 17, 2009

Breakfast is the Key

So, yesterday was an interesting day. I was really hungry and in need of something sweet all day, and I found it very difficult to resist...although I am happy to say that I did...except for the hot chocolate I had last night...which was NOT sweet related so much as I was so FLIPPIN' cold, it was the only way I could think to warm up.

But, I digress.

So, here what I learned yesterday. I HAVE TO start my day with fiber.

For breakfast I had left over pasta salad...which was yummy and only 3 points...but without any real fiber in it, I found myself a little hungry all day.

Also, having had the cheesecake Thursday night, I found that instead of satisfying my sweet tooth, it actually intensified it. So, I am going to try and stay away from sweets...because cravings is NOT a good thing for me.

Also, at some point when I was feeling "hungry," I stopped and had some water and found that I felt better. So I am thinking that maybe I was thirsty...humm.

So, my goal today, is to start with a little fiber and drink...and see how that goes.

I am well within my points for the week. I still have a bunch of weekly points left over too...which is good, because we are having a "nice" dinner tomorrow, and I want to indulge a little.

I think it's going well. It's harder because there is a lot going on emotionally here...and dealing with life and your weight is never an easy thing...but this is the best thing for me and I am happy to be on this path.

1 comment:

Amberlyn said...

I totally agree with you. Breakfast is SO KEY to weight loss. Not just anything for breakfast either, like you said. When I have cereal, I am STARVING just an hour after eating.

You are on to something.

It's nice to have extra points to indulge yourself tomorrow.

I too believe that our personal lives go hand in hand with our weight. Finding the root of the problem is tough. I'm still searching for my root. I think it's finally working it's way to the surface.