Thursday, January 15, 2009

Breaking Bad Habits

One of the hardest things about losing weight, gaining a healthy lifestyle, is breaking bad habits. One habit of mine is craving sweets after lunch and dinner. Oh boy, I always need a cookie, or a cookie, or peace of candy, anything I can get my hands on. Why is that? Even my skinny husband goes for something sweet after dinner. I notice that my children are forming the same bad habit. I have to admit that this habit was much harder to break last week then this week. Hence all the squares of chocolate that I snuck into my day, all 2 of them. Non the less, those were calories and fat that I just didn't need.

The other bad habit, which in my mind is probably worse then the first, is eating a bowl of ice cream at night. Or just plain eating anything several hours after dinner is done, so close to bed time. But mainly, it's the ice cream. I find solace and comfort in that darn creamy, satisfying confection. And just recently I had found a new ice cream that was SO good. It was especially delicous after an exceptionaly stressful day. Which surprises me about this week. There have been some stressful things going on which normally would have driven me to ice cream.

It is empowering to know that I have had the strength this week to break these bad habits. I know, I know, it hasn't even been a full two weeks. But DANG, taking it one day at a time and conquering one day at a time adds up to huge successes.


1/2 pear
@ 6 almonds

salad with tomatos and parm. cheese
1/2 turkey, avacado wrap
1 chocolate chip cookie(I was at lunch with a bunch of other ladies and I just did it. Beckham asked me if I could have a cookie. I told him that I could, but I just choose to not have one. Too bad I couldn't stick to my own advice. GOSH DANG IT!!!!)

stupid half a chocolate chip cookie. I hate admiting this, it's so shameful and humiliating. But being honest is what is keeping me on track. Curses to the stupid chocolate chip cookie dough and softly baked cookies. DAMN!!!!!

Pulled pork on Home made whole wheat with half a bell pepper.
small heal of whole wheat with some peanut butter. GOSH DANG IT AGAIN!!!!

I really am disapointed in this day. Stupid cookies. I just need to not bring that temptation into my everyday. If I can't have cookies, then NOBODY gets cookies. Is that fair? I really want this to work. Everyone else can enjoy cookies on Sundays right along with me.


Denise said...

HA! FAIR? Nothing in life is fair.

Don't beat yourself up. Do what you need to do.

But having sweets in house all the time might just be too aren't denying the kids anything...especially if they can have it once a week, just like you.

On thing I do, is I have treats in the house that I can't stand...but the kids love.

Then, they can have treats, but I feel no temptation.

Chocolate chip cookies? I would have had six!!!!

Brooke said...

I have that craving after dinner for something sweet too, but I realize that if I can hold off eating anything for like 10 minutes then that craving just goes away and you can go without it. At least that's how it is for me. I think that is a great idea from Denise to keep treats that you don't like in the house for the kids and then you aren't tempted. I would never have thought of that!

Amberlyn said...

That is a brilliant idea. I will have to do that for sure. Now I just have to come up with treats that I despise.