Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Weigh In

I've decided that Sunday mornings are going to be my official weigh in day/morning. It helps me to stay focused Friday and Saturday. Cause I don't want to screw up on Saturday and have to weigh in Sunday morning with that extra food in my belly. That's NO good.

This morning I dropped another 1.5 lbs. That is not earth shattering, but it's a good number. I was hoping for at least 2lbs. When I weighed in on Wednesday I was down 2.5lbs. But I have to go with the number on Sunday. I am still to embarassed to divulge how much I weigh. That will have to wait until the small numbers add up to a bigger one equalling a lesser one.

So now I have to make some new goals for myself. What did I not like about this last week, and what can I do to improve it. I decided that eating sandwiches for lunch is not a good idea. I want to stay away from carbs until I have lost all my weight. Even though the bread was home made and there's nothing to it. I just don't want carbs in grain form, any kind of grain. So instead of the sandwich, I am going to have a ginormous salad. I bought 3 heads of lettuce yesterday and I plan on prepping them tomorrow and having them ready in a bag for me to just grab and eat.

Another goal that I have is to drink more water. I've been drinking a ton of Walmart brand crystal light. I just feel like I need to drink straight water. I will have the juice at lunch and at dinner. I'm also having a hard time kicking Diet Coke. I think that will have to come later. I have been SO good the past two weeks that I am allowing myself a Diet Coke here and there kind of as a reward and to keep myself going.

The last goal that I have is to exercise MORE. I haven't missed a day in two weeks. But some days I only get in a measly 20minutes. I really would love to get in at least 60 minutes. I think I did that just once this week. It is still a priority, I just need to dedicate more time to it. Become more organized.

Now I have to get over the negative talk that I am having with myself. I know the only way to lose weight and keep it off is to do it slowly and steadily. But I want it now!!! So in an effort to boost my moral I am going to list the changes that I have noticed with this 4.5lb weight loss. For one thing, my gut has gone down by half. My muffin top isn't nearly as bad as it was 3 weeks ago. My face seems a little thinner. All the exercise has given me more energy and I feel a little lighter on my feet. Why trade these wonderful things that are happening for the old me. It's not worth it. This is going to be HARD. I am going to have to be PATIENT!!!!

Here's my mantra:

I can do this.
I have the power to change.
I am doing great.
Keep going.

1 comment:

The Hamblin's said...

Good for you. I to an trying to loose that unneeded extra weight. It is so hard and sounds like you have yourself on the right track. Keep up the good work. I will have to continue to look here to inspire me.